Monday, March 8, 2010

My Scar: How to Heal a Scar - Recommendations and What Works

* This is part 2 of 2. The first part told the story of how I got my most recent scar and it actually spurred a lot of interest. I guess people like seeing pictures of my mangled face. haha.
- So after getting a Scar and needing stitches, I asked different doctors and people the best way to treat it and here's my story...

The Doctor that did my stitches: While laying there getting stitches put into my head, I asked the doctor if he could recommend any way to make the scaring heel up it’s best. The doctor (who looked about 65 years old) said that there isn’t anything. He said that there are a lot of things that people think will help, vitamin E being the most popular, but none of them will do anything so just don’t itch it and it should heal fine. – So, no help from that doctor.

A Friend of mine that use to work at a plastic surgery place: She told me that the doctor that she worked for would always recommend Lavender and vitamin E for patients that just had surgery and that it would lessen the appearance of the scar.

The doctor that took my stitches out: While laying there, again, with a different doctor, I asked the same question about treatments for heeling scars and he told me to try vitamin E. I asked about the Lavender and he had never heard of it.

I went to the store and found a product that is formulated for treating scars (Bio-Oil) and it has vitamin E, lavender and a couple of other things in it. It's an oily substance that I rubbed on my scar and after using it for over a month I saw NO results. This stuff was an expensive waste of money.

A friend and student of mine (Lori) was using a product on a scar that she got on her chin (funny story there) and it was working great. This stuff (Elastoplast) isn’t cheap ($35 range) but I used it and it worked GREAT. The biggest thing that I noticed was, after just the first night of having it on, the strip took away all of the deep yucky red that my scar had. I even put it on another scar I’ve had on my forehead for a LONG time and it made that one look a little less noticeable.
This piddly blog is obviously not making any money from endorsements but I definitely recommend these strips. They’re a little pricey ($35’ish, from shoppers or any pharmacy) but they work and that’s what counts. Everyone should try and stay as pretty as they can and, if you have a scar anywhere, this stuff should help.

A couple of recommendations when using these strips:
First off, the strips that they give you in the small packs are pre-sized and they’re pretty big. You should cut them into sizes that make a little more sense (if you have a small scar) so that you can use one strip 3 or 5 times.
The second recommendation for using these is that, they kept falling off my face while I was sleeping so I bought some medical tape from Shoppers to make sure the strips stuck.

So basically, my friend is smarter than the 2 doctors and these strips work great.

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