Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Drink Away 10 Pounds

So here’s the gist of an article I read in Mens Health a while back.

Apparently the average person consumes seven hundred and fifty liters of liquid a year (Juice, tea, pop, etc) and here are some tips on how to optimize your fluid intake to make weight loss easier.

Morning Juice: Trade in the Tang or Pulp Free for EXTRA PULP. Researchers at Purdue University found that people stayed full longer when they drank thick drinks than when they drank thin ones – even when calories, temperature and amounts were equal. Thicker drinks help fight off hunger longer because they contain more fiber. So chew your OJ! – Calories saved in 4 weeks: 5,460

Mid-morning Drink: Go Green! Green tea is a natural fat burner. However, you need to buy the stuff that says “Green”. A Swiss study found that substances in green tea called catechin polyphenols can increase your body’s metabolism so you can burn fat at a faster rate. Adding anything to it (Milk/Sugar) doesn’t count though. – Calories saved over 4 weeks: 4,872

Lunch: A meal in a can. Meal replacements really work and a study by the North American Association for the Study of Obesity found that regularly drinking meal replacements increased chances of losing weight and keeping it off for longer than a year. (We’ll be posting a variety of drinks soon). Often you can go to ice cream parlors and coffee shops and they’ll have a nice enough variety of shakes that will allow you to get sugar free, sugarless or a protein powder option. – Calories saved over 4 weeks: 9,856

Soda: Make it a diet drink and the trick with these are that the colder the drink is, the more it will taste like a normal pop. If you really hate diet soda try filling a cup three-fourths full of regular soda and top it off with diet. Eventually let the mix change as you get use to it and you’ll be drinking diet in no time. – Calories saved over 4 weeks: 2,024

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