Monday, December 14, 2009

SNL Short - Punching people just before they eat

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Thai Pads for Xmas- The One's From Class

So, previously I posted about the wraps we use in class and put up a link for anyone interested in picking up a set. This time we're talking about the Thai Pads that we use in class.

I've used a lot of Thai Pads over the years and when I had to buy a pile of them for teaching classes of 32 people, I wanted to find the best pads I could for the best price ... and these pads are what I found.

If you've taken any classes with us in the past you'll recognize these and know how good they are.

If you're interested in some more information on these, check out this link:

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

UFC 107 - Penn vs. Sanchez Picks and Breakdown

* Still 100% on Main Event match-ups since starting this blog (6 for 6)

This should be a great event. There are two tough main event match-ups that I’m looking forward to.
BJ “The Prodigy” Penn vs. Diego “the nightmare” Sanchez
Fantastic match-up but I think Diego will be having nightmares for a while about this one. Both are great fighters and it’s an amazing match-up but BJ has done SO much more in this sport than Diego and faced top guys for such a long time.
BJ’s has better stand up than Diego with a great jab and there’s no way the “Prodigy” should get submitted in this match up. BJ will win this one and it should be a great fight.

Frank Mir vs. Cheick KongoAs cool and scary as Kongo looks, I’m going with Mir via submission. I’ve never liked Mir but he really impressed me against Big Nog at UFC 92. I’ve never seen him look that good. He went on to look pretty bad against Lesnar but I think that even a crappy Mir should beat Kongo. Kongo’s not exactly a grappling specialist and this fight will show a classic match-up of Stand-up vs. Submission Fighter and, if memory serves me correctly, submission guys have always been the better bet in this case.

Clay “The Carpenter” Guida vs. Kenny “KenFlo” FlorianThis is the second light weight match up that’s going to be great to watch and this one’s even tougher to make a call.
Guida has been a favorite of mine for a long time. He fights ridiculously hard, with non-stop action and he’s a great all-around fighter.
Florian on the other hand improved faster than any other fighter I’ve seen. He use to just be a BJJ fighter with a questionable black belt (given to him by his brother).
I can’t remember what event, but Florian was talking about how he was training in Thailand and that his stand up was amazing. I got pissed after watching this fight because his stand up was garbage and didn’t represent good Thai boxing at all. Then, (insert foot into mouth) his next couple of fights, he looked like a whole new and complete fighter. He changed in leaps and bounds, and then after weathering his 5 round battle against Sean Sherk (Florian lost via decision) he was transformed into a world-class fighter.
I’ve gotta pick Florian and this one will probably go the distance.

Jon Fitch vs. Mike PierceFitch for sure. This is another one that should make the broadcast and it almost looks like a tune up fight for Finch.
Pierce is coming off a big win over Brock Larson who’s been around forever (trains with Sherk) and although he was able to control Larson (a strong wrestler) there’s no way he’s going to get away with that against the former coach of Purdue wrestling team, Jon Fitch. Fitch will finish this within 3 rounds.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Yellow Bamboo

I just love this stuff too much.

Yellow Bamboo is a Martial Art and Described (description via their website) as "a Balinese White Magic and an Art of self-development, protection, healing
founded in Singaraja Bali with over 30,000 members worldwide."

Here's a demo video of what Yellow Bamboo is:

It's messed up to teach people this and messed up that people believe it. Can you imagine one of these guys getting attacked on the street and trying to point their hands at someone expecting them to collapse?

Here's what Yellow Bamboo really does:

This other clip, I can't embed here but the link to the forum it's on is below. A woman gets nailed pretty hard and it's a good example of the danger in stupid things like this. They create a false sense of confidence:

In all reality, in the time these people spend standing there trying to get their "Chi in Check" and pointing their hands towards someone like The Emperor from Star Wars, they could easily be running away.

Friday, December 4, 2009

The Ultimate Fighter 10 Finale - Picks and Breakdown

* Still trying to hold on to a perfect record one the main events since starting this blog.

Roy “Big Country” Nelson vs Brendan Schaub (FIGHT DECIDING THE ULTIMATE FIGHTER)
Two words for my pick in this fight, Yee-haw. That’s right, I’m picking Big Country. For anyone’s that’s seen Nelson fight prior to competing in TUF has seen him rise to the top of the International Fight League and has been the favourite to win the show since the beginning. I was really impressed with Brendan during the show but my pick at the beginning of the season is in the finally, so I’m not going to sway now.

Matt Hamill vs Jon JonesHamill has to lose this! I’m going with Jones. I can’t stand watching Matt Hamills stand-up skills and I’ve been waiting, for far too long, to see someone finally pick up on his many flaws. He leaves his hands down all of the time, but his biggest flaw is that after throwing a jab, his hand drops down to his waist.
I hate watching him fight because I scream at the TV for whomever’s fighting him to just take one of his crappy jabs and step in with, at least, a heavy hook to knock him on his ass.
Hamills has great wrestling and out matches Jones on the matt but I think Jones should get a Knockout.

Kimbo Slice vs. Houston AlexanderI like Kimbo a lot and his stand-up movement has always reminded me of Mike Tyson, who happened to be my favourite boxer.
However, after Kimbo was knocked out via a seemingly weak punch against Seth Petruzelli and his chin is a little suspect. Just like Andrei arlovski, that may be why Kimbo keeps such a bushy beard.
Both fighters have heavy hands but Kimbo is pretty limited to boxing skills whereas Alexander is a kickboxer and will probably be looking to do damage on Kimbo’s bad knee (that was shown during the television series).
There’ll be a ton of fireworks in this bout though so don’t blink.

Matt Veach vs. Frank “The Answer” EdgarThis is another one that should make the broadcast and Edgar should easily handle the 11-0 Veach. Edgar’s dispatched the top guys in the sport including Sean Sherk, Hermes Franca, Spencer Fisher, and Tyson Griffin. There’s just no comparison in the competition these guys have faced.